Yesterday I spotted some very young lambs frolicking in a field and then some lovely shiny bright yellow star-shaped Lesser Celandines under a hedge. Admittedly it was in the lower reaches of the Yorkshire Dales, and I saw a gritting truck on my way home.
Clearly Winter isn't quite over but there's nothing wrong with being ready to spot the signs of Spring.
Do you remember those little I Spy books you might have had as a child? I get a lovely cosy nostalgic feeling just thinking about them.
So here's my version of I Spy Spring, for you to use and optimistically tick off as Spring slowly rolls into the Yorkshire Dales. I've already ticked off the first three. Which have you spotted or heard?
[ ] delicate looking but oh so determined and strong snowdrops
[ ] bright golden stars of lesser celandine
[ ] lambs playing in the fields
[ ] wild primroses
[ ] bluebells and drifts of wood anemones
[ ] early morning bird song and the first birds literally clutching at straws ready for nest-building
[ ] white blackthorn blossom - promising sloe gin in the winter to come
[ ] hawthorn blossom
[ ] grass starting to grow again, seemingly greener than ever before
[ ] first cry of the curlew - the sound that really heralds Spring in the Yorkshire Dales