Clip: the wool from a flock
Crimp: the natural wave formation in wool. The closer the crimps, the finer the wool
Ewe: a female sheep capable of producing lambs. Often called yow in the Yorkshire Dales
Dags: dried dung stuck to the wool of a sheep, which may lead to fly-strike
Dagging: lovely job of cleaning off the dags
Dipping: immersing sheep in a plunge or shower dip to kill external parasites
Driving/droving: walking animals from one place to another. In the Dales we have several old Drovers' lanes.
Fleece: the wool covering the sheep, which can be sheared off each year, unlike sheepskin which you only get once from each sheep...
Flock: a group of sheep
Fly strike: infestation of the wool, skin and eventually flesh, with blowfly or botfly maggots
Greasy wool: wool that's been shorn from the sheep but not washed or cleaned
Lamb: young sheep up to year old
Lanolin: wool is full of this thick greasy substance, secreted by the sheep's skin (sometimes called wool fat). It's the foundation of many good beauty products and creams
Mutton: meat of an older ewe, usually over two years
Raddle: If you see colour on the backside of ewes, that pigment was marked using a raddle, strapped to the chest of the ram to show which ones have been mated by which tup
Ram: adult male sheep
Riggwelter: sheep that's fallen onto its back and can't get up. Also name of a Black Sheep Brewery beer - wonder why?!
Shearling: sheep before its first shearing
Tup: adult male sheep. Tupping: mating