Phone boxes have disappeared in many places but where the old style red kiosks remain, traditionalists want to keep them, even if their original purpose is no-longer as valid. Some people have started to find interesting new uses for their phone box. We once used ours as an info kiosk for an arts festival. Some are used as mini libraries.
In Settle you can find what is probably the 'smallest art gallery in the world', in the red phone box called Gallery on the Green. It's housed in one of the iconic boxes designed by Sir Giles Gilbert and is managed by Cultivating Settle who have set up a community art gallery. Not many art galleries are open 24 hours a day and can say they're filled to capacity at least twice a day, which is their claim!
Constantly changing exhibitions have been mounted in the Gallery on the Green since 2009, attracting locals, visitors and media attention. Forthcoming exhibitions include "Darker Side of Fairy Tales" from 18th March - 24th May, followed by "Becket in a Box". For more details see the website.
There is no car parking on the Green so it's best to park elsewhere then enjoy the 10 minute walk from Settle market place, past the Talbot Arms and Settle Folly and then take the right fork at the junction.