You can often still find old copies of the Dalesman in second hand bookshops and antique shops and they're real treasures, giving an insight into the character of the area.
I was going to wax lyrical about the Dalesman magazine and why I love it but then I came across a brilliant interview broadcast by Yorkshire Television. It features wonderful playwright Alan Bennett and the Dalesman's legendary editor Bill Mitchell who was about to retire after 24 years as its editor. It also features famous contributors Marie Hartley and Joan Ingilby. This programme was first broadcast in 1988 so it's dated, in the best way possible.
I love the description of a 'dales man': "he's unhappy in a crowd, happy with his own thoughts, living his own quiet thoughts, tremendously independent, truly a character. He has his own original way of looking at the world, doesn't allow anyone to influence it too greatly. He's realistic, a little taciturn (described as the art of saying nowt for a long time). He's thrifty, but hospitable." I think all that applies equally to many dales women too.
You can watch the programme here thanks to the BFI archive.