In the surrounding area you'll be able to spot some of the vestiges of the former lead mining industry, which is also commemorated in the welcome stone on the cobbled area at the bottom of the hill. The Grass Woods nearby have a wonderful show of bluebells in the spring and was also the site of a fortress of ancient Britons who fought against the Romans.

There are several cafes and pubs, including the excellent Grassington Lodge.
The wine shop has a tardis-like feel and great selection, and there are plenty of places to buy chocolates, crafts gifts and clothes. The relatively new Stripey Badger book shop is another welcome addition.

You can enjoy jollier entertainment during the two week Grassington Festival each summer and the Dickensian Festival in December each year. Parking is limited so start your visit at the bottom of the hill, parking in the Yorkshire Dales National Park's car park.