The Nine Standards Rigg and Big Stone of Fourstones are impenetrable landmarks, attracting walkers to speculate on their origins.
Some curious landmarks such as Druids Temple near Masham look much older than they really are. There's a surprising number of follies like Druids Temple around the Dales, including the rocket ship near West Burton and Two Stoops in Nidderdale. Ian Scott Massie's book Tales of the Dales tells some of the stories behind them.

Two spring to mind: the 'Viking bones' from the lost cemetery in Masham and another in Grassington. Most people pass by the Grassington plaque without noticing it, yet those who see it enjoy a wry smile and fleeting thoughts about whoever created it.
Some plaques are more serious, tantalising glimpses into the past such as firemarks or the brass plaque outside the Worshipful Company of Fellmongers in Richmond.

If you've spotted any curiosities in the Yorkshire Dales, I'd love to read about them!