Drive into West Burton in Bishopdale and you'll instantly see all these within a stones' throw of each other.
When some people sit down after a long day, they make a sort of satisfied 'ah...' sighing noise, as if that's their final act for the day before relaxing completely. If houses could sigh, I imagine the ones around West Burton's double village green would do exactly that. There's a wonderful sense of harmony in the village, oozing confidence and safe in the knowledge that it's one of the Yorkshire Dales' most beautiful and complete.

Alternatively stay in the valley bottom by Walden Beck and enjoy the walk up Walden, where the road ends. This is perhaps partly why West Burton has remained unspoilt - there's no through road, and the village feels pretty much complete in itself. From here it's a short walk to discover the rocket-ship, pepper-pot and 'guillotine'.

On the green itself, spot the quoits, the old village stocks, and the market cross, dating back to the times when West Burton was the main market town for Bishopdale and Walden.
Opposite is the Fox and Hounds, a popular pub serving good food. Walk a few paces down the road and look closely at the pavement - there are several stones inscribed with historical details about the village. I particularly like the one listing some of the professions of former inhabitants - 'druggist, leather maker, saddler, seamstress, draper, violin-maker...' really bringing alive the feel of a vibrant village doing well for itself.